Python 3 Migration Gotchas

The aim of this document is to help with possible migration issues with Arctic when moving to python3.

Trying to store numpy types with bson

Currently if you try and store (say) a numpy integer in BSONStore you will get an encoding failure:
In [14]: lib.insert_one({'a': np.int64(1)})

    101     request_id, msg, size = message.query(flags, ns, 0, -1, spec,
--> 102                                           None, codec_options, check_keys)
    104     if (max_bson_size is not None

InvalidDocument: Cannot encode object: 1

This is because in python3, numpy types are not json / bson serializable anymore and it throws a rather confusing error message which is fixed in py3.7:

Arctic does not do the conversion to int from types and you should ensure you convert it before passing the parameters to insert / update functions in BSONStore or wherever there is a bson.encode involved

Storing pickle in py3 and reading back in py2 fails.

This could be because the default protocol for pickling in py3 is 4 which is not supported in py2 (max supported in python2 = 2).

Strings in column/index names are converted to bytes in py3

As mentioned here: this can break the workflow of people migrating and you should be using unicode in py2 to avoid running into this or you can use from __future__ import unicode_literals to always use unicode instead of bytes by default in py2.

If you hit this issue, a workaround is to set: FORCE_BYTES_TO_UNICODE which will explicitly convert stuff to unicode, but keep in mind it's not very efficient and is basically doing a linear conversion.